For residents

This website contains various information which is of interest to the residents, including the house rules, waste handling regulations and launderette rules.

For residents who do not speak Danish, we recommend using an electronic translation service to familiarise yourself with the contents of the site.


The board of the owners’ association occasionally sends out newsletters, which may contain important information to the residents. These are posted on the notice boards located at the entrance to the stairways, and are often additionally sent out by email to subscribers. If you do not read Danish, we recommend that you sign up for the electronic newsletter, which will allow you to use an electronic translator.

Signup is done by going to and clicking “Log ind” on the top left. Above the button “Log ind som beboer” you enter the password (contact web (at) if you don’t have it). Next you click Nyhedsbrev in the menu on the left. From this page you can also access past newsletters. Scroll down the page, select your address from the dropdown, and click Opret beboer. Now enter your email address, and select “… tilhører andelshaver/ejer …” if it is the email address of the owner, and “… tilhører andet medlem …” if the address belongs to another member of the household. Then click “Videre”. Now scroll to the bottom of the page, keep the first option and the last three options selected, and click Gem ændringer. You’ll now receive future newsletters by email.


The daily administration is handled by our administrator, and the owners’ association is governed by a board of three members, selected among the owners. The board can be reached on bestyrelsen (at), and you can see a list of the members here.